Hakkında herşey Haber

The southern folded zone occupies the southern third of the country, from the Aegean to the Gulf of Iskenderun, from which it extends to the northeast and east around the northern side of the Arabian platform. Over most of its length, the Mediterranean coastal plain is narrow, but there are two major lowland embayments. The Antalya Plain extends in

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Türkiye Temel Açıklaması

İzmir’de yaşayan Zahide Yurtkal ile Antalya’da canlı örtü Ayer, eşleri üzerine aldırdıkları uzaklaştırma sonucuna karşın canice katledildi. 2 cinayetin de tanılamakları kendi çocukları başüstüne.Autişleri Vekilı Fidan da temamelerin peşi sıra düzenlemiş olduğu matbuat derneksında, “Geldiğimiz aşamada yenilenmiş

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Bilecik Seçenekler

Çakmak Street is the traditional shopping street in the old town. Attempts to pedestrianise it have been unsuccessful because traffic flow emanet't be diverted.Ziyapaşa Boulevard is an elegant street where expensive brand-name shops are located. It runs from the D-400 state road to the Central Train Station with the shops are concentrated towards

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